May 29, 2021
There is not a cookie-cutter answer for this scenario, so I will give you some ideas of how to use it and why the retirement scenario in Farming Without the Bank is different than the scenario is Life Without the Bank.
May 22, 2021
It's important to understand the types of life insurance out there and why we only use Whole life Insurance for the Infinite Banking Concept. Not all life insurance is created equal.
May 15, 2021
Is IBC a scam? ...and why would one think that? What really is the scam here?
May 8, 2021
Not only do we talk about Infinite Banking, but I want to share a little business advice with you. Find your niche and go with it, become the expert and watch the money flow in.
May 1, 2021
Hear what the difference is between simple, compound, and uninterrupted compound interest. You will hear why this new investing is not working and what the interruptions are costing you long-term... and also, why we use whole life for Infinite Banking and nothing else.