Dec 30, 2022
Inflation truly is the silent thief, and people don't understand how it affects how much money we need saved, what rates of return we need to earn to get there, what percent of income we need to save, and why cash flow is so important. This is the real reason IBC fits into everything you will need for the future. It...
Dec 23, 2022
Since we talk about death a lot on this podcast, let's address why you should be funeral planning for locked-in costs and peace of mind for your loved ones.
Dec 16, 2022
Everyone is getting hit by inflation, but this is why it's worse for employees.
Dec 9, 2022
Today I answer 3 common questions: Will death benefit be paid right away if something happens? Is cash value and death benefit paid upon death? ...and are premiums flexible?
Dec 2, 2022
If you are a small business owner stuck and needing help, tune in! I have added my two cents and experience to the equation.